From the mid 15th Century this word has been used to describe a turning. Turning towards — but more likely against — another. Of course, we know it from its legal adversarial roots. When we created governance to misdemeanours, we used the word to describe one person or body’s turn against another.
- The State -v-X
- Blur -v- Oasis
- Kramer -v- Kramer.
That one letter “v” has SUCH significance. Because what it says one party cannot reconcile with another therefore that has to be a battle to resolve the differences. To find a winner. To triumph.
In elections, in business, in sport. We’ve become used to versus as a signifier of turning against something. But the original word wasn’t just against, its meaning was also towards. Semantic laws now have it that it’s always about against and thereby, adversarial.
Seems we all deal with a lot of “versus” in work and life.
I had a conversation with a connection of mine only recently and this came to light. It was feeling like in her work, there were a group of fellow leaders and they all seemed against her. She said, “it’s like me versus X, Y and Z — I don’t know when this happened.”
We dug deeper. It turns out it was all about her alternative take on the world, on things to do, on how she did it and the successes she had garnered. She was too humble to make this the case but I got it out of her. It turns out that these people seemed to be against her and thereby had created a “versus” situation because they wanted what she had.
She has suffering doubt because of this. Her energy, thoughts and uncertainty about herself, work, others — because some people chose to be “versus” her. In the same company with the same aspired outcomes. Plain daft.
She’s better able to deal with this now because she sees it no longer as against but toward. She’s being humble, honest, challenging and removing the against will towards her and it’s starting to work. Other’s “versus” is somewhat muted by her actions. They still try, they still dig in and throw stones but they’re no longer able to have such a debilitating impact on her.
I guess the reason for this muse, is who — if anyone — are you “versus” and if so, why? Is that good use of your time and cognitive loading? Isn’t it better to simply be for your own stuff and be “versus” climate change; poverty; injustice; divisive thinking and unkindness?
I suspect we waste a lot of time and unnecessary effort being “versus” others when there’s no real need. Jealousy, envy, lust, desire, avarice, greed — all sinful things might be behind our “versus”. And it eats you up as much as the other person; so is it really worthwhile indulging such self-creating toxins?
There’s enough to battle which should become worthy “versus” quests. Let’s be more choosy about who we’re “versus” and save ourselves for the bigger challenges in this world. Your hero self might thank you for a lot less petty, distracting “versus” thinking.
It’s you -v- inconsequential versus I suppose.