My first iPod was a tiny shuffle won in a raffle. I’d resisted online downloads of music; being a vinyl — and if I had to CD — consumer of music. I resisted the digitisation of music but this chance event tipped me towards downloads.
It was my stable music machine for a while and then, of course, the Classic, Nano and Touch. I still like to consume music this way and make my own playlists and the like.
But this digital-music-playing opening is not what this is about. And again, I’ve interrupted my guest posting but I promise that will be back on here for the next post.
I’m moved to write by what I’m seeing in leadership through the current times.
Or lack of it actually.
Reminds me why I am such a believer in self-managing, self-organising and self-directed teams. Some leadership we’re seeing is steady, inspiring and compassionate. Practical, guiding and assuring. Astute, kind and relevant. Leaders are really embodying these.
And then there are the shufflers.
Shufflers are people in leadership positions of any sort who are now shamelessly exposed for what they are. Money shufflers; work shufflers; decision shufflers; diary shufflers; meeting-dialogue shufflers; approval-shufflers; travel-plan shufflers; lunch and dinner meetings shufflers.
They give the illusion of being in control by shuffling stuff around. Decisive by their shuffling of things we have come to believe are leadership acts. Because, well look, the pipeline is good; the sales are decent; the customers are happy; even the employees seem OK.
Then things stop and a totally unexpected ‘black swan’ event occurs and then shuffling accounts for, well, fuck all really.
Spooked into doing something, a bit of supposed leadership enacts out but really it’s panic-shuffling. It makes little or no difference.
And then it becomes clear.
We, the people, have been leading this enterprise whilst you, the leader have been shuffling. And only now do we see it, notice it and realise how useless, futile and value-less it all really was.
IF, as a leader, you find yourself shuffling stuff, stop. Talk to your team and invite them to help you lead without shuffling.
‘What value can I create for you, for us, that will make the most difference?’
‘How can I serve your projects, work-stacks or to-do-lists better?’
‘What do you need, expect and want from me as a leader?’
It’s not a weakness to admit you don’t know or don’t understand how you can help in the best way. It’s opening up a hive-mind to help you be decisive, clear and put your skills, beliefs and energy to good use.
As L. David Marquet says in his work showcased in the book ‘Turn This Ship Around’ — it’s part of intent-based leadership.
An extract from a Forbes article here tells you what this is pretty much about :
It is about designing an environment where people give intent to each other and they feel valued and proud of their work. It helps give understanding into how they fit into the whole organization and its objectives. It helps them feel inspired, motivated, and take responsibility for their actions.
This screen-grab from a message sent from an ICU doctor sums up how much shuffling has been undertaken in the past and is now exposed as bureaucratic, power-dynamic, and frankly, pointless shuffling of stuff has been undertaken by those in leadership positions.
The leader should be the calm voice of honest, candid information and work to support the local experts who know how to keep the ship from capsizing.
Maritime metaphor continuing, shuffling about on deck, or farting around with charts (Gannt or otherwise) may give the illusion of leadership, but helping hoist the sails or directing those who need to navigate through the fog of uncertainty is what leadership value is about.
Shuffling never really had value but it wasn’t evident. It’s now as stark as can be and presents the nakedness of those in leading positions. Shufflers who were bluffing, bulldozing and boasting their way through leadership: Yielding their MBA scroll as if it were a Jedi's lightsaber.
Shufflers could become the new code word for those pointless leaders who were never really leading anything.
Shuffling, the pointless act of looking like you’re in charge but having no competence, confidence, comfort or credibility in anything you say or do.
As I said, we are seeing and hearing of some leadership tales, stories and examples where this is NOT the case. And let’s not forget how useful such acts and deeds will be in shaming the shufflers into action.
But shufflers as leaders? Screw you.
You’re out of cards; there’s no more tracks to shuffle; all that’s left is real, consequential, much-needed thoughts and deeds that YOUR PEOPLE NEED YOU TO DO FOR, AND WITH, THEM.
Stop shuffling and start being the leader your people deserve.